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What should I do if my video does not match my prompt?
What should I do if my video does not match my prompt?

If your video does not match the prompt you provided in Kaiber, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue:

Updated over a week ago

If your video does not match the prompt you provided in Kaiber, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue:

  1. Review the Prompt: Double-check the prompt you entered to ensure it accurately reflects the desired outcome for your video. Sometimes, a slight modification or refinement in the prompt can lead to better results.

  2. Modify the Prompt: Consider adjusting the wording or adding more specific details to your prompt. Providing clearer instructions or including additional context can help guide the AI in generating a video that aligns more closely with your expectations.

  3. Experiment with Different Prompts: If the initial prompt doesn't produce the desired results, don't hesitate to try alternative prompts. Kaiber's AI is trained on a vast amount of data, and different phrasings or variations in prompts can yield different outcomes.

  4. Explore Style Options: Kaiber offers various style options to apply to your videos. Experimenting with different styles can potentially enhance the match between your prompt and the generated video. Explore different style combinations to find the one that best aligns with your vision.

  5. Contact Support: If you have exhausted all troubleshooting options and your video still doesn't match the prompt as expected, reach out to Kaiber's customer support. They can provide further assistance, offer insights, and address any specific concerns you may have.

Remember that Kaiber's AI generates videos based on the input you provide, but the outcome may vary based on the complexity of the prompt and the AI's interpretation. Continuous improvements are being made to enhance the accuracy and alignment between prompts and generated videos.

By reviewing and refining your prompts, exploring different styles, and leveraging support when needed, you can maximise the chances of achieving the desired outcome for your videos in Kaiber.

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